srilermorna Posted by namor on Tue 06 of May, 2008 21:23 GMT posts: 42 Use this thread to discuss the page:: srilermorna
Posted by namor on Tue 06 of May, 2008 21:43 GMT posts: 42 > Use this thread to discuss the page:: srilermorna I suggest to have a look at tengwar's basic letter arrangement, since it somewhat supports the morphology rules of Lojban. The tengwar system separates consonants and vowels, so that vowels appear as appendices to their preceding consonants. Lojban makes heavy use of CV phonemes. With the tengwar system, these CV-Compounds use just one place: The vowel (just a few dots or a curved slash) is above the consonant. This greatly improves readibility in my opinion, especially when it comes to gismu, since gismu always have the CVCCV or CCVCV structure. In tengwar Lojban, gismu looks either v v v v CCC or CCC ,which makes them very easily recognizable. (and thus more rememberable as well) I think it would be useful to incorperate this concept of vowel-consonant separation in the design of Srilermorna. This would also make the writing system "more Lojban". When I read the wiki pages on Srilermorna, I felt that it did not make use Lojban's structure in particular, but just translates the symbols of the Lojban phonemes into other symbols. (Which are more useful for handwriting, of course) The tengwar system for Lojban was originally created by Eric S. Raymond and revised by 'Kena'. Original Article by E.S.R.: Revision by 'Kena':
Posted by winkerbean on Thu 28 of Aug, 2008 13:29 GMT posts: 42 > Use this thread to discuss the page:: srilermorna I truly like the font. You've clearly put a significant amount of creativity into this. What font design application did You use? xuinkrbin.