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Lojban In General

con-script for Lojban

posts: 381
Use this thread to discuss the con-script for Lojban page.
posts: 381

In a message dated 4/11/2008 04:22:39 AM Central Daylight Time,
ecartis@digitalkingdom.org writes:

> On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 11:11 AM, David Cortesi <davecortesi@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I'm sorry, but I just do not get it. what in the world is the sense of
> > taking a language whose syntax is by designed unlike any other, and
> > whose vocabulary is already a challenge to learn using familiar
> > letters for (mostly) familiar sounds, and making it even MORE arcane
> > by writing those letters in a completely new script?
> A completely valid point. As you said, it's been fun to work on just
> as a project, so it doesn't really need any further justification.
> But even aside from that, the 'familiar' letters are only familiar for
> those who are raised speaking a languages which is written with a
> latin alphabet.

I disagree. Even people whose language uses a non-Latin/English form of
writing are still familiar with the Latin/English alphabet, because many sciences
and mathematics use those letters as international symbols.

stevo </HTML>

posts: 21

Very true, however they don't necessarily mean anything phonetically.
Mathematics uses many greek letters as well, but I doubt that this
helps mathematicians to read greek. The latin system for lojban is
equal to the cyrillic system for lojban - it's a way of transcribing
lojbanic sounds into a form readable by a particular audience.

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