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Kafka in Lojban: lo nu binxo

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ni'o la .gregor.samsas. ca lo cerni ba lo nu raktu senva cu co'a
cikna gi'e facki lo du'u gy bu'u lo ckana cu ba'o binxo lo rigni cinki

I have translated Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis into Lojban.
As I don't know German, this is actually a translation from a Spanish
translation. If people who can read German want to compare it with
the original I would be very interested in their comments. And of course
comments from anyone else are also most welcome.

As an experiment, I didn't use any lujvo for this translation: the only
brivla used are gismu (and also one fu'ivla: strutione, "ostrich"). That
went much better than I thought it would. The only lujvo I slightly
missed were those in -gau and -bi'o, and that mainly becuse there
are doors being opened and closed all the time in the story. Also,
the only gadri I used are {lo} and {la}, not a single {le}.

I understand Gregor's last name, "Samsa", is pronounced zamza in
German, but I went with samsas in part to avoid the "mz" issue and
in part to keep the recognizable orthography.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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