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Lojban In General

TOK (Theory of Knowledge)

posts: 22 United Kingdom
Use this thread to discuss the TOK (Theory of Knowledge) page.
posts: 22 United Kingdom

Some traditional questions about the relationship between Lojban and
the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis from a recent blog post...

"Does Man Really Have A Measuring Stick? : My TOK Response"


... I was recently looking at some articles related to artificial
languages, or languages that people speak just because they want to
speak them. One artificial language caught my eye. It is called
Lojban. ...

The logical language and the Sapir Whorf hypothesis relates to what we
have been talking about in TOK lately. The class discussions have
provoked such topics as the perception of knowers that come from
different cultures and languages. If somebody was taught this language
from birth, how would they see the world? Would the sense it as
something clear and unimpeding of their thoughts as the grammar
suggests? Or, would they see the world as an ambiguity. Because no
nationality claims the language, would the person see themselves as
different or neutral in comparison to the diversity that the world has
to offer? How will their sense data be affected by the use of this
language. Will their ability to see-as be better than the rest of us
who have a less amibguous view of the world? There are a lot of
questions about this, but the main difference is our perception of
this knower. Are we being to hesitant to accept such an openness or
disorganization? Do we perceive his type of knowing different than
ours? Does that affect the way that we claim to use our senses to
know? All of these are for the philosophers, give or take. But, in all
surety, the knower's perspective will be different than ours. They
will be able to see the world logically and clearly, and be able to
speak in an amibiguity that will be stunning to most knowers.
Although, this hypothesis of Sapir and Whorf has never been tested, if
tested, the result could be a new perspective on the world, and the
greater diversity of knowledge that we as human beings could


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