Lojban In General

Lojban In General

New to the list

I'm new to the list. My primary interest is in using Lojban in a Science Fiction setting, as a language aliens teach to humans so they can effectively communicate. I look forward to learning more about the groups efforts and what has already been achieved. I will probably have specific questions for the group once I have learned enough to ask good ones.

Terry Sofian

posts: 71

welcome aboard. i am still a novice myself

---Original Message---
From: tsofian@aol.com
To: lojban-list@lojban.org
Sent: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 3:58 pm
Subject: lojban New to the list


I'm new to the list. My primary interest is in using Lojban in a Science Fiction setting, as a language aliens teach to humans so they can effectively communicate. I look forward to learning more about the groups efforts and what has already been achieved. I will probably have specific questions for the group once I have learned enough to ask good ones.

Terry Sofian

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posts: 71

welcome aboard. i am still a novice myself

---Original Message---
From: tsofian@aol.com
To: lojban-list@lojban.org
Sent: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 3:58 pm
Subject: lojban New to the list


I'm new to the list. My primary interest is in using Lojban in a Science Fiction setting, as a language aliens teach to humans so they can effectively communicate. I look forward to learning more about the groups efforts and what has already been achieved. I will probably have specific questions for the group once I have learned enough to ask good ones.

Terry Sofian

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Are there archives and such? If so where can I view them?



---Original Message---
From: thirderivative@aol.com
To: lojban-list@lojban.org
Sent: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 8:58 pm
Subject: lojban Re: New to the list

welcome aboard. i am still a novice myself

---Original Message---

From: tsofian@aol.com

To: lojban-list@lojban.org

Sent: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 3:58 pm

Subject: lojban New to the list


I'm new to the list. My primary interest is in using Lojban in a Science Fiction setting, as a language aliens teach to humans so they can effectively communicate. I look forward to learning more about the groups efforts and what has already been achieved. I will probably have specific questions for the group once I have learned enough to ask good ones.

Terry Sofian

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posts: 3588

de'i li 28 pi'e 12 pi'e 2008 la'o fy. tsofian@aol.com .fy. cusku zoi skamyxatra.
> Are there archives and such? If so where can I view them?

If you mean the mailing list archives, those are at

fi'i ma'i lo lojbo munje .i mi'a roroi vi zvati fi'o se bredi lonu do nitcu
lonu sidju

(Welcome to the world of Lojban. We are always here in case you need help.)

mu'omi'e la'o gy. Minimiscience .gy.

mi klama .i mi viska .i mi fanva fi la lojban.

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you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.