Lojban In General

Lojban In General

Archon in St Louis was Lojban panel discussion at Penguicon

Would there be interest in such an event at Archon in St Louis in October? are there any members in the St Louis area?


---Original Message---
From: Matt Arnold <matt.mattarn@gmail.com>
To: lojban-list@lojban.org
Sent: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 4:13 pm
Subject: lojban Lojban panel discussion at Penguicon

Who can I talk into joining me on a panel discussion about Lojban at
Penguicon? I'll be surprised if I can't get Stephen Weeks, Robin Lee
Powell, Bruce Webber, and Shaun Klein at the minimum. But if you'd
rather be an audience member, I'd like to know. you'll be there. I'd
also like to know if you'll be at my convention during the year that
I'm conchair!



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posts: 162

tsofian@aol.com wrote:
> Would there be interest in such an event at Archon in St Louis in
> October? are there any members in the St Louis area?

There most certainly are Lojbanists there. At the minimum, pc is
probably still in St Louis (it is theoretically possible that he moved
elsewhere when he retired, but he never told anyone). My old address
lists probably had a half dozen others, and the community is almost
certainly more than 3-4 times the size it was back in 1995 when that
address list started to become stale.


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