A completely different RPN solution.
Just sending this because I haven't actually put it anywhere yet.
--- Forwarded message from Robin Lee Powell <rlpowell@digitalkingdom.org> ---
Subject: Palm Writings + RPN
From: Robin Lee Powell <rlpowell@digitalkingdom.org>
To: rlpowell@digitalkingdom.org
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 18:17:34 -0700
Dammit, I'm too scared to put it on the Palm when I can't sync, so:
@h1 A Completely Different RPN Solution
We could have explicit push and pop operators in KOhA. Call them
xa'a and xu'u, respectively. Usage would be like so:
xa'a li pa sumji li re .i sumji li vo xu'u
The first bridi adds 1 and 2 and pushes the result onto the stack.
The second adds 4 to the topmost stack element.
Given that, there could also be an RPN marker that would allow
dropping the explicit push and pop, given text such as:
li pa li re te sumji .i li vo li mu te sumji .i te pilji
Determining where the implicit pops and pushes go doesn't even need
to be semantic; it can be as simple as "How many places are free?
If 1, push. If w e have N-1 on the stack, pull them in order, push
the last. If we have less than that, error."
With the occasional special case like a print bridi, which pulls
exactly one and pushes none.
For the implicit version, you probably want 2-argument sumji and
pilji. You can use the explicit version with the inf-arg ones
12:34 < Eimi> This is starting to sound like the hammer I need for
my prenex nail. {le mi mlatu goi -push zo'u mi terpa tu'a -pop}
They say: "The first AIs will be built by the military as weapons."
And I'm thinking: "Does it even occur to you to try for something
other than the default outcome?" — http://shorl.com/tydruhedufogre
http://www.digitalkingdom.org/~rlpowell/ *** http://www.lojban.org/
--- End forwarded message ---
They say: "The first AIs will be built by the military as weapons."
And I'm thinking: "Does it even occur to you to try for something
other than the default outcome?" — http://shorl.com/tydruhedufogre
http://www.digitalkingdom.org/~rlpowell/ *** http://www.lojban.org/
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