Lojban In General

Lojban In General

Lojban podcast resuming on the Language Creation Podcast

posts: 4740

We have been invited to continue the Lojban Podcast as part of the
Language Creation Society Podcast! But we need content from you-- it
will not be a solo effort from me. I just thought I'd dash off a quick
announcement message to you all to get you thinking about what you
could contribute. More details will be forthcoming.


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you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.

posts: 85

I just got a nice microphone so I can do speaking. Singing if you're
desperate. Not sure *what* to say, but I'll happily speak in Lojban or
English. I can give content under a CC licence too.

mu'o mi'e cmacis

2009/2/11 Matt Arnold <matt.mattarn@gmail.com>

> We have been invited to continue the Lojban Podcast as part of the
> Language Creation Society Podcast! But we need content from you-- it
> will not be a solo effort from me. I just thought I'd dash off a quick
> announcement message to you all to get you thinking about what you
> could contribute. More details will be forthcoming.
> -Eppcott
> To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to lojban-list-request@lojban.org
> with the subject unsubscribe, or go to http://www.lojban.org/lsg2/, or if
> you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.

posts: 7

On Feb 11, 2009, at 15:05, Matt Arnold wrote:

> We have been invited to continue the Lojban Podcast as part of the
> Language Creation Society Podcast! But we need content from you-- it
> will not be a solo effort from me. I just thought I'd dash off a quick
> announcement message to you all to get you thinking about what you
> could contribute. More details will be forthcoming.

I suggest that when this new podcast happens, that the old podcast


be restored to redirect to the LCS podcast, return only the Lojban-
related entries of the LCS podcast, or have an entry telling readers
the new location.

This way people who have subscribed to the old podcast will get the
new one, even if they don't consistently read lojban-list (like me).

Kevin Reid <http://homepage.mac.com/kpreid/>

To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to lojban-list-request@lojban.org
with the subject unsubscribe, or go to http://www.lojban.org/lsg2/, or if
you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.

posts: 85851

I can also record stuff with a pretty decent microphone (I have one good headset
and a ps3 eye) - you just need to supply the content you want spoken :P

mu'o mi'e timos