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Lojban In General

Place structure of "krokoziabra"?

posts: 324

What should the place structure of "krokoziabra" be? The places are the
intended character, the misdecoded character, the code it was encoded in, and
the code it was decoded in, but I'm not sure what order they should be in.


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posts: 3588

de'i li 27 pi'e 02 pi'e 2009 la'o fy. Pierre Abbat .fy. cusku zoi skamyxatra.
> What should the place structure of "krokoziabra" be? The places are the
> intended character, the misdecoded character, the code it was encoded in, and
> the code it was decoded in, but I'm not sure what order they should be in.

Firstly, it would be nice if you told us what natural language word you were
trying to make into a {fu'ivla} instead of requiring us to sift through Google
results to figure out what you're talking about.

Anyway, after realizing that you're referring to "kryakozyabry," I suggest:

x1 = misdecoded character
x2 = intended character
x3 = proper encoding
x4 = incorrect decoding

Or, if you want a place structure that parallels that of "{fanva}":

x1 = agent
x2 = intended character
x3 = proper encoding
x4 = incorrect decoding
x5 = misdecoded character

Also, you might want to create the {fu'ivla} from "mojibake" instead, which
seems to be the more popular term, judging by the fact that it returns almost
ten times as many hits on Google as "kryakozyabry" does, and that "mojibake" is
the name of the Wikipedia article dealing with the concept. Alternatively, it
shouldn't be too hard to come up with a suitable {lujvo} to use instead;
"{spole'u}" and "{pofle'u}" come to mind.

mu'omi'e .kamymecraijun.

lo cevni ganai pacyzu'e gi na'e cevni vau sei sa'a la .iuripydes. cusku

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posts: 324

On Sat, 2009-02-28 at 04:27 +0000, Minimiscience wrote:
> Firstly, it would be nice if you told us what natural language word you were
> trying to make into a {fu'ivla} instead of requiring us to sift through Google
> results to figure out what you're talking about.
> Anyway, after realizing that you're referring to "kryakozyabry," I suggest:
> x1 = misdecoded character
> x2 = intended character
> x3 = proper encoding
> x4 = incorrect decoding

That seems good and I'll go with it.

> Or, if you want a place structure that parallels that of "{fanva}":
> x1 = agent
> x2 = intended character
> x3 = proper encoding
> x4 = incorrect decoding
> x5 = misdecoded character

That sounds like a good place structure for "srelerfanva", though I'd
use that for "make a mistake when transliterating" rather than
"transliterate from the wrong encoding".

> Also, you might want to create the {fu'ivla} from "mojibake" instead, which
> seems to be the more popular term, judging by the fact that it returns almost
> ten times as many hits on Google as "kryakozyabry" does, and that "mojibake" is
> the name of the Wikipedia article dealing with the concept. Alternatively, it
> shouldn't be too hard to come up with a suitable {lujvo} to use instead;
> "{spole'u}" and "{pofle'u}" come to mind.

"kriakoziabra" and "krokoziabra" (which are variants in Russian; the
"-y" is a plural ending) are already valid fu'ivla; "mojibake" is not
(though "omjibake" is). Russian is one of the six source languages;
Japanese isn't.

For {pofle'u} I think the meaning is "x1 is a letter in writing system
x2 which doesn't represent x3 because it's broken". Not sure about
{spole'u}, but neither lujvo has a place for the two encodings.


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posts: 350
On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Pierre Abbat <phma@phma.optus.nu> wrote:

> For {pofle'u} I think the meaning is "x1 is a letter in writing system
> x2 which doesn't represent x3 because it's broken". Not sure about
> {spole'u}, but neither lujvo has a place for the two encodings.

What about samymifsre?

sk1=sr1 encodes m2 as m1 due to incorrect encoding m3
(sr2=sk2=lo nu mifgau m2 m1 m3)

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 8:22 AM, Michael Turniansky <mturniansky@gmail.com>wrote:


> On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Pierre Abbat <phma@phma.optus.nu> wrote:

>> For {pofle'u} I think the meaning is "x1 is a letter in writing system
>> x2 which doesn't represent x3 because it's broken". Not sure about
>> {spole'u}, but neither lujvo has a place for the two encodings.
> What about samymifsre?
> sk1=sr1 encodes m2 as m1 due to incorrect encoding m3
> (sr2=sk2=lo nu mifgau m2 m1 m3)
> --gejyspa