place structure and frame semantics
An excerpt from :
The basic idea is that one cannot understand the meaning of a single
word without access to all the essential knowledge that relates to
that word. For example, one would not be able to understand the word
"sell" without knowing anything about the situation of commercial
transfer, which also involves, among other things, a seller, a buyer,
goods, money, the relation between the money and the goods, the
relations between the seller and the goods and the money, the relation
between the buyer and the goods and the money and so on.
Thus, a word activates, or evokes, a frame of semantic knowledge
relating to the specific concept it refers to (or highlights, in frame
semantic terminology). A semantic frame is defined as a coherent
structure of related concepts that are related such that without
knowledge of all of them, one does not have complete knowledge of one
of the either, and are in that sense types of gestalt.
I think this is explicitly exemplified in the way we use Lojban selbri
such as "vecnu", which requires that we have knowledge of (at least
some of) its arguments or the valency
( But this is what
Frames are based on recurring experiences. So the commercial
transaction frame is based on recurring experiences of commercial
What can we say about this 'recurring experiences' in regard to the
Lojban selbri, the frame (or place structure) of which is
prescriptively defined and not experience-based?
mu'o mi'e tijlan
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