Lojban In General

Lojban In General

Differences between printed and HTML versions of CLL

posts: 162

Scott Weller wrote:
> On 3/21, Minimiscience said:
> snip
> > The Cyrillic orthography is very briefly described at the end of
> chapter 3 of
> > the CLL (the HTML version refers to the Cyrillic letters by name,
> while the
> > printed book shows the actual glyphs).
> snip
> It surprises me to hear this.
> Is there a list anywhere of the differences between the printed and HTML
> versions of the CLL?

The HTML version was prepared unofficially from a draft text copy
several months before the book was finished. The book itself was
published using the then-version of Microsoft Word, and is saturated
with formatting and indexing commands, and changes were being made up to
the last minute.

Any such comparison would therefore have been done manually, and thus
not be complete. I don't know if anyone ever tried to do such a comparison.


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