Lojban In General

Lojban In General


posts: 26

There is an important problem in the lojban wikipedia: How should we name articles which in natural languages are refered to by proper names?

komfo.amonan has suggested that we use la'o zoi name zoi for names natively written in roman characters, and la'o zoi transliteration native name zoi for names not natively written in roman characters.

I (signing as tadre'as), on the other had suggested that we use transliteration of names (lersnafanva).

This problem has produced some move wars by people who disagree on the names articles should have. Please opine on http://jbo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:veltu%27i_tadji_lo_nu_fanva_lo_cmene

.i e'usai ko sarji le lojbo zei .uikipedias. gi'e ciska fi ri

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