Fwd: Let's vote for Lojban!
---- Forwarded message ----
From: tijlan <jbotijlan@gmail.com>
Date: 2009/5/19
Subject: lojban-beginners Let's vote for Lojban!
To: lojban-beginners@lojban.org
Livemocha is a social network service where users can learn languages
through audio-visual lessons, peer tutoring tools and support systems.
Users can aide others in learning the languages that they are
proficient in while learning other languages themselves. This is
achieved through peer reviewing of submissions, live text and audio
conversations, and other learning systems. It is possible to vote for
new languages to be introduced. Here's the voting page for Lojban:
You can give up to 3 votes by clicking on the icon on the upper left
saying "* votes".
mu'o mi'e tijlan
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