sel ter vel xel
I know I've read something about a "great rafsi relocation" and that not
wanting to cause another one of these is the main reason behind not changing
"tel" for stela (lock) to something else is out of the question. But that
was a while ago. Is it still completely out of the question to change just
one little rafsi so we can have 100% consistency instead of 99.9%
I just picture teaching my kids lojban and them saying "but dad, you said
that there are no exceptions toe the rules in lojban, why is the rafsi of
'te' 'ter' when all the others are just themselves plus 'l'?".
I know it's a cosmetic thing but it does kind of stick in my head like a
thorn ya' know? "sel, ter, vel, xel". Blech.
- Luke Bergen