Lojban In General

Lojban In General

selma'o nomenclature

posts: 19

Just a quick question - when we talk about cmavo and the selma'o to which
they belong, we usually refer to them by saying "selma'o UI" or "selma'o
KOhA" - this seems very unlojbanic. However, after taking a look at the
actual place structure of cmavo, I was left a bit confused.

x1 is a structure word of grammatical class x2, with meaning/function x3 in
language x4
How exactly does one fill in the x2 spot? I've seen a number of examples,
such as {zo .ua cmavo lo selma'o be zo .ui} or {zo .ua cmavo zo'e pe zo .ui}
but is there an official answer?

mu'o mi'e .kribacr.

posts: 324

On Tuesday 09 June 2009 11:10:07 Jameson Orndorff wrote:
> Just a quick question - when we talk about cmavo and the selma'o to which
> they belong, we usually refer to them by saying "selma'o UI" or "selma'o
> KOhA" - this seems very unlojbanic. However, after taking a look at the
> actual place structure of cmavo, I was left a bit confused.
> x1 is a structure word of grammatical class x2, with meaning/function x3 in
> language x4
> How exactly does one fill in the x2 spot? I've seen a number of examples,
> such as {zo .ua cmavo lo selma'o be zo .ui} or {zo .ua cmavo zo'e pe zo
> .ui} but is there an official answer?

I don't know the official answer, but I'd say {zo .ua cmavo zo .ui}. The
capitalization is just for computer grammar purposes.

What you'd say for cmavo be fo lo rarbau, I'm not sure. Maybe the same way as
in Lojban: select one word to represent the selma'o. zoi gy. or .gy. enai zoi
gy. if .gy. cmavo zoi gy. and .gy. ("If it rains, the plants get wet" is
grammatical, but "And it rains, the plants get wet" is not.)


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On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Jameson Orndorff<jtorndorff@gmail.com> wrote:
> x1 is a structure word of grammatical class x2, with meaning/function x3 in
> language x4
> How exactly does one fill in the x2 spot? I've seen a number of examples,
> such as {zo .ua cmavo lo selma'o be zo .ui} or {zo .ua cmavo zo'e pe zo .ui}
> but is there an official answer?

As far as I know I came up with the trick of saying "lo selma'o be zo
.ui". It's not official, but it's surely accurate-- it just sidesteps
the issue.

I've often seen "zo .ua cmavo zo .ui" but I don't agree with it.
Logically then "zo .ui du lo selma'o" and I don't think it is. Since
the word ".ui" is being used as metonymy here for the category it
belongs to, I would add a "la'e" in there: "zo .ua cmavo la'e zo .ui".

ni'o mi gleki le nu jikca do vi pe'a doi .kribacr.
.i mi pi so'a roi cusku fi do soi vo'a fo la .irc. po'o
ni'o xu zoi .zoi. Jameson Orndorff .zoi. cmene do .i mi pu na djuno di'u
.i zoi .zoi. Brett Douglas Williams .zoi. glibau cmene mi
ni'o ma do gugde .i mi merko

mu'o mi'e la stela selckiku

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