Lojbanic Document Discusser
coi ro do
I've taken chapters out of "Lojban for Beginners" and "The Complete
Lojban Language", and have written a script that lets you and fellow
Lojbanistanis comment on the parts of the text that have been properly
marked up. I have prepared the first seven chapters of L4B, and
chapter 5 from the CLL.
Even now, my enemies are doubtless scheming how to falsely prove this
is of no benefit. To these enemies, I say such things as "Don't be
silly. The CLL errata can be put right beside the text, which I've
already done for chapter 5" and "people can give more examples" and
"better versions could be made" and remarks about which groups of men
the enemy's mothers have slept with. Most importantly, I've lined up
some of the pre-formatted text in CLL properly, so that is reason
enough to make use of it.
The link: http://www.andgasm.net/doc.cgi . The source code is
available. I got the CLL, chunked, from Chris Done's github.
Improvements could probably be committed to it. L4B is off of
rlpowell's page. I think.
co'o mi'e djeims
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