Regarding the gismu {vlagi}.
On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 05:52:40PM -0700, Lindar Greenwood wrote:
> So, isn't {vlagi} just taking up space when we could just as easily use {fetplibu} and use {vlagi} for something else?
> The use seems extremely redundant, and I would love to know the opinions of the Lojban community (and officials) on this matter.
It is indeed redundant. But since the purpose of the set of gismu is not to remove redundancy, this is not considered a problem.
See for a discussion of this. (Search for 'seem to have been chosen at random').
Arnt Richard Johansen
Inuktitut iis eesseentiiaallyy Fiinniish aas spooqqeen iin Greenlaand.
--Clint Jackson Baker, via Essentialist Explanations
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