Lojban In General

Lojban In General

ce'u and se/sel

I believe I have misunderstood the meaning of ce'u, can someone explain why
you would ever use ce'u when you have the SE set, which has rasfi making it
more powerful.

posts: 350

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 3:56 AM, Arran<arran4@gmail.com> wrote:
> I believe I have misunderstood the meaning of ce'u, can someone explain why
> you would ever use ce'u when you have the SE set, which has rasfi making it
> more powerful.

Does one ever HAVE to use "ce'u"? No, probably not. But it's
there to mimic a lot of natural language constructions. Here's one
example from my translation of Esther: "le citni'u cu melbi fi lo ka
velski ce'u kei" -> "The maiden was pretty to look at". Also,
remember, that theoretically at least, every "ka" construction and the
like needs a "ce'u" in it. If it's not explicitly there, it's assumed
by convention to be put in the first available space. But it's not
necessarily so.


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mi'e la selckiku
.i zo ce'u valsi gi'e ckaji se'o lo ka mi nelci ce'u
.i ju'o cu'i do mi mleca lo ka ce'u zo ce'u nelci
.i zo ce'u traji ba'u ru'e lo ka lo nu mi ce'u pilno cu zdile mi
.i .ie ru'e na'e sarcu
.i ku'i .ui ro'i vajni be mi melbi mi

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