Lojban In General

Lojban In General

.cniglic. chapter to be published!

mi'e la stela selckiku mi cusku ca'e zoi glibau

Ron Hale-Evans, who authored/organized the wonderful O'Reilly book
"Mind Performance Hacks", has asked me to write a chapter on .cniglic.
(Lojban's attitudinals applied to English text) for the upcoming
sequel, "Mind Agility Hacks"!

I'm going to give a brief introduction to the 39 attitudinal scales,
as well as the ro'X, bu'o, pei, dai, ge'e, and perhaps a few other
words. Also I'm going to talk about spelling out attitudinals with
ASL fingerspelling (leave off dots and say apostrophe as H, in short).
I would very much appreciate any input, suggestions, and other

We already owe Ron some gratitude for writing Lojban a very nice blurb
in "Mind Performance Hacks", Hack #51 "Learn an Artificial Language",
where he featured Esperanto, Lojban, Klingon, AllNoun, and Solresol.
One thing he said about us was, "In short, Lojban is a kind of
super-language designed to shoot off your Sapir-Whorfean linguistic
shackles and blow your mind open. Give it a try." Not a bad review.
Hopefully this new chapter will be good publicity for Lojban as well.

glibau mu'o

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