potentially stupid question
I was picturing the following scenario playing out between a lojbanic parent
and his/her child:
rirni: lo re titla cu banzu
verba: .i go'i fi lonu do tolxendo
rirni .i do binxo lo xlali verba
verba: .i go'i fi lonu do tolxendo
rirni .i o'onai .i lo nu do tavla cu ckape do
rirni .i o'onaicai .i .au mi darxi do
now I would think that a child learning a language as they grow would tend
to see the generalities of a language and apply those generalities to
unknown words and concepts. So wouldn't the child expect that the following
response (un-doubtedly screamed while running for cover):
verba: .i go'i fi lonu do tolxendo
would continue to be clever and grammatically correct since "fi"
- seems*like it usually means "under conditions"?
Could the constantly shifting places for concepts like "under conditions"
cause natural learners of lojban to get confused?
mu'o mi'e pafcribe