danfu dandu danlu
While studying vocab I noticed the existence of {danfu}, {dandu}, and
{danlu}. When the LLG was putting lojban together was there no intention of
making the different words sound distinctive? I know that one of the main
reasons for lojban's split from loglan was that users wanted a stable *
spoken* logical language. Given that, I'm surprise that "easy to
distinguish words in a noisy environment" wasn't one of the goals of
lojban. One of the more annoying things about english for me is that so
many words sound similar.
Maybe instead of choosing gismu based on some (rarely helpful) metric of how
much the common languages used particular letters, maybe if we/they had
chosen to spread the phonemes out with as wide of a distribution possible
that would have been more useful (as well as screw up any potential for
poetry I guess).
Clearly it is way to late in the game to change the gismu. I bring this up
only because I'm curious if the LLG had considered this.