shifting in tanru
I looked around in the CLL but couldn't find an answer. I remember at one
point reading/hearing that in {da broda brode de di} the form is that {da}
fills the x1 place of broda and {de} and {di} fill the x2 and x3 places
respectively of {brode}. Am I right so far in this?
My question is: is the rule here that anything to the left of the selbri
tanru gets put into the x1/x2/etc... of the leftmost valsi and everything on
the right goes into the xn/xn+1/etc... of the rightmost valsi? Or is it
just that the x1 fills in the x1 of the leftmost valsi and everything else
goes into the rightmost.
Sorry, I am still confused about which is which in the seltau and tertau
nomenclature so I'm using "left" and "right" instead and assuming that we'll
just leave {co} out of this for now.
mu'o mi'e pafcribe