(Un-)Official translation project!
Well, it's time to let everybody know. I've started a Lojban translation project, primarily for translating the Gnome graphical user interface, but since its inception -yesterday- has begun to expand to a Wikipedia translation project as well. I hope to see a lot of teams grow in the next month and spread to different corners of the internet and world.
My overall goal in doing this is to expand the vocabulary of Lojban because we have a lack of terminology for a lot of different things (and not just computers!), so translating something as immense as Wikipedia or an entire GUI is a great way to find words we need to translate that we don't necessarily have.
If anybody would like to head up a new project, I'd be glad to help organise it. I hope that the different teams can work together so that we may already have words developed and terminology agreed upon between projects to more quickly and efficiently translate.
I would very much like it if this became an official undertaking backed by the BPFK, so whatever needs to be done, please let me know.
Thank you for your time!