Proposed Definitions And Examples
cmavo: tu'i (BAI)
Proposed Definition
Associated with site. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of stuzi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of stuzi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the site that is the referent of the tagged sumti. This may be used to situate letters.
See Also
- {se tu'i}
- {stuzi}
Proposed Keywords
- at
- located at
Usage Examples
- i tu'i da le tarci cu jemna gi'e jadni le tsani be le terdi be le prane prenu
- Somewhere, the stars are gems, adorning the sky of the earth of the perfect people.
- mi nelci le lojbo ke plibu taxfu pe tu'i zoi gy. CafePress gy.
- I like the Lojban underpants at Cafepress.
cmavo: se tu'i (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
As a location of. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of stuzi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of stuzi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is a location of the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {tu'i}
- {stuzi}
Proposed Keywords
- as a location of
Usage Examples
None found. Constructed examples follow:
- mi klama le dinju pe se tu'i le nunjmaji
- I go to the building where the conference takes place.
cmavo: ti'u (BAI)
Proposed Definition
Associated with time. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of tcika. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of tcika and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is associated with the time that is the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {se ti'u}
- {te ti'u}
- {ve ti'u}
- {tcika}
Proposed Keywords
- at (time of day)
- timestamped with time of day
Usage Examples
- doi xod ti'u ma do benji le mrilu mi
- Xod, when did you send me that mail?
- .i ku'i ba'anai do puzi xalka pinke ti'u li 2;30
- But as I remember, you were just drinking alcohol at 2:30.
- .iku'i le samseltcana ba spofu ti'u li pavopi'enono ca le cabdei vau .oisai
- But the network will go down at 14:00 today, argh!
- ba'a le sorprekarce cu tolcliva ti'u li pi'e 10
- I expect the bus to arrive at ten past the hour.
cmavo: se ti'u (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
At the same time as. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of tcika. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of tcika and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi takes place at the same time as the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {ti'u}
- {te ti'u}
- {ve ti'u}
- {tcika}
Proposed Keywords
- simultaneous with
- cooccurring with
- concurrent with
Usage Examples
None found. Constructed examples follow:
- mi nicygau le tebykre se ti'u lo nu do cintypu'i le bitmu
- I groom my moustache at the same time as you paint the wall.
cmavo: te ti'u (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
On day. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of tcika. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of tcika and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi takes place on the day that is the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {ti'u}
- {se ti'u}
- {ve ti'u}
- {tcika}
Proposed Keywords
- on day
Usage Examples
None found. Constructed examples follow:
- mi ba jai catra le nakybakni te ti'u le mumdei
- I will have the bull slaughtered on Friday.
cmavo: ve ti'u (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Location of time. Tags a sumti as fitting the 4th place of tcika. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 4th place of tcika and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi takes place at the local time (timezone) of the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {ti'u}
- {se ti'u}
- {te ti'u}
- {tcika}
Proposed Keywords
- at timezone
- -time
Usage Examples
None found. Constructed examples follow:
- ti'u li no ve ti'u le ropno
- It's midnight in Europe.
cmavo: di'o (BAI)
Proposed Definition
At the locus of. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of diklo. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of diklo and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is at the locus of the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {se di'o}
- {te di'o}
- {diklo}
Proposed Keywords
- at
- locally at
Usage Examples
- .i mi se jibri le sampla di'o la ibubymym.
- I work with software at IBM.
- ka'amru di'o le mi stedu
- Oh my God, there's an axe in my head!
- ni'o do xabju ma di'o la xrvatsk
- Where in Croatia do you live?
cmavo: se di'o (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
At specific locus. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of diklo. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of diklo and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is at a specific locus which is the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {di'o}
- {te di'o}
- {diklo}
Proposed Keywords
- at specific locus
Usage Examples
None found. Constructed examples follow:
- mi se skapi lo xunre se di'o le cidni
- I have red skin at the elbow.
cmavo: te di'o (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
At locus within range. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of diklo. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of diklo and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is at a specific locus within the range which is the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {di'o}
- {se di'o}
- {diklo}
Proposed Keywords
- at locus within range
- within range
Usage Examples
None found. Constructed examples follow:
- mi litru te di'o le mergu'e
- I travelled around the US.
cmavo: koi (BAI)
Proposed Definition
Bounded by. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of korbi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of korbi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is bounded by (bordered by) the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {se koi}
- {te koi}
- {korbi}
Proposed Keywords
- bounded by
- inside
Usage Examples
No non-metalinguistic examples found. Constructed examples follow:
- ko cintypu'i koi le kruvi
- Paint inside the lines.
Proposed Definition
As boundary of. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of korbi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of korbi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is a boundary of the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {koi}
- {te koi}
- {korbi}
Proposed Keywords
- bounding
- as boundary of
Usage Examples
None found. Constructed examples follow:
- la .odr. .e la nais. rirxe se koi le dotygu'e
- Oder and Neie are rivers that make out a border of Germany.
cmavo: te koi (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
Bordering on. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of korbi. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of korbi and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi is bordering on the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {koi}
- {se koi}
- {korbi}
Proposed Keywords
- bordering on
- next to
Usage Examples
None found. Constructed examples follow:
- lo fipkalte cu xabju te koi le xamsi
- Fishermen live by the seaside.
cmavo: de'i (BAI)
Proposed Definition
Dated. Tags a sumti as fitting the 1st place of detri. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 1st place of detri and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi takes place at the date that is the referent of the tagged sumti. This may be used to date letters.
See Also
- {se de'i}
- {te de'i}
- {ve de'i}
- {detri}
Proposed Keywords
- dated
- at date
- timestamped (date)
Usage Examples
- u'i mi viska lo skami ctuca skina pe de'i li 1995
- Heh. I'm watching a computer tutorial movie from 1995.
- doi camgusmis do di'a se jibri de'i ma
- Robin, when do you start working again?
cmavo: se de'i (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
On the same date as. Tags a sumti as fitting the 2nd place of detri. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 2nd place of detri and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi takes place on the same date as the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {de'i}
- {te de'i}
- {ve de'i}
- {detri}
Proposed Keywords
- on the same date as
- at the same date as
Usage Examples
None found. Constructed examples follow:
- mi co'a zbasu le zdani se de'i le nu la KEnedis. se catra
- I started building the house on the same date as Kennedy was killed.
cmavo: te de'i (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
On date at location. Tags a sumti as fitting the 3rd place of detri. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 3rd place of detri and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi takes place on a date measured at the location which is the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {de'i}
- {se de'i}
- {ve de'i}
- {detri}
Proposed Keywords
- in (on date at location)
Usage Examples
None found. Constructed examples follow:
- xu ca vondei te de'i le sralo
- Is it Thursday in Australia now?
cmavo: ve de'i (BAI*)
Proposed Definition
On date by calendar. Tags a sumti as fitting the 4th place of detri. Augments the bridi in which it occurs, adding an extra, un-numbered place with the meaning of the 4th place of detri and then fills it with the tagged sumti. In other words, the event described by the bridi takes place on a date according to the calendar which is the referent of the tagged sumti.
See Also
- {de'i}
- {se de'i}
- {te de'i}
- {detri}
Proposed Keywords
- in calendar
- by calendar
- on date by calendar
Usage Examples
None found. Constructed examples follow:
- ca muzexamumoi nanca ve de'i le xebro
- It is currently the year 5765 in the Hebrew calendar.