Jbonunsla 2009 at Penguicon! Posted by Eppcott on Fri 25 of Jul, 2008 16:42 GMT posts: 4740 Use this thread to discuss the Jbonunsla 2009 at Penguicon! page.
Posted by Eppcott on Fri 25 of Jul, 2008 16:42 GMT posts: 4740 Announcing the newest Lojban Festival, at Penguicon, May one through three, 2009, right near Detroit Metro airport in Michigan! Penguicon is the ultimate geekstravaganza. It is a 1,000 person event in a convention hotel all weekend, tailored not only to science fiction fans, but also to computer programmers, both of whom tend to be attracted to Lojban. My classes about Lojban at Penguicon have been well-attended and created the Lojban enthusiast group which meets in my house. I will be the convention chair of Penguicon 2009, and will make sure we get far better treatment than we got from Philcon. I will treat jbonunsla to prominent and ample function space, equipment, and signage. Electricity and free wireless bandwidth will flow like a river of milk and honey. I know all the local restaurants and will make the necessary purchases in the local area beforehand. Given that we enjoyed the jbonunsla I organized at Philcon, this one will be even better. Michigan is more centrally located to the continental US than any Lojban festival that has come before, so I hope for great attendance. Stephen Weeks has been searching out the interest of several past jbonunsla attendees. He will be there, bancus will come, rlpowell will come, and clsn would like to be there if he can afford it. The new hotel this year has a large number of function rooms. We will give one that opens on the atrium as the Lojban Speaking Room. It could be designated as a place to _speak_ Lojban to each other. I would like to put an info kiosk outside it (Penguicon owns several) and I will make a Flash animation on DVD that will be on a loop, introducing passerby to Lojban. We can hang the original Logfest mural and drape all the walls in additional paper to expand the mural. There will be Lojbanic games such as la cibyska and Nanofictionary. We can record ourselves speaking Lojban and put the audio and video on the internet. We hope to show the silent black and white film "Call of Cthulhu" with its subtitles translated into Lojban. The hotel restaurant is turned over to be our 24-hour hospitality suite, where there will be free beer all weekend. In brief: it will be full of awesomesauce. Check out the Penguicon website at http://penguicon.org. We plan to have the online registration launched some time this month. Registration is $35 until October. I'll see if we can get large enough to grant a group rate, so let me talk to my head of reg about that and I'll let you know; in the meantime, sign up here to express interest that I can show to my committee: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=px_AYw4N9NwMtjyEYKS8LHQ&hl=en Who's in? Eppcott President, Board of Directors Logical Language Group To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to lojban-list-request@lojban.org with the subject unsubscribe, or go to http://www.lojban.org/lsg2/, or if you're really stuck, send mail to secretary@lojban.org for help.