Product details inquiry from Amazon customer
Thanks for writing.
For years, we here at the Logical Language Group did not sell our book
through, but only through our official website,
It came to our attention that many individuals purchased it through us
and resold it on Amazon, where they radically raised the price. This
worked because far more people find the book on Amazon than on our
site, and don't know the price for which we offer it. Eventually we
got an seller account, and arranged for me to be the one
fulfilling orders so that we could meet the quick shipping turnaround
that Amazon demands. We kept the book at the price for which we have
always offered it.
The book they are selling is almost certainly the same book, but we
are the organization that created it. The other sellers are
for-profit, and we are an official tax-exempt nonprofit, so we will
not raise our price to match theirs. Thanks again for your inquiry,
and let us know if there is any other way we can help you.
Matt Arnold
President, Board of Directors
Logical Language Group
On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Amazon Communication Center
<> wrote:
> Hello from
> A potential buyer has sent you the following message about an item you have for sale on, or about your store at Please respond to the individual directly by replying to this e-mail. For your reference, the buyer's e-mail address is
> Â Item: The Complete Lojban Language Hardcover ASIN: 0966028309
> Important Notice: Only ship to the address shown in your seller account. Do not honor buyer requests to ship orders to any address other than the one provided by Do not accept any payment method other than Amazon Payments. Payment for the sale may be withheld if these guidelines are not followed.
> ------ Begin message ---------
> Hello,
> I am wondering why your price for the book is so low compared to others?
> Is it the same book?
> cordially
> stephanie
> ------ End message --------
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