cmavo: ze'a (ZEhA)
Proposed Definition
Duration. It indicates that the event lasts for a certain time. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the duration.
Proposed Tag
fi'o krafamtei
See Also
- {ze'e}
- {ze'i}
- {ze'u}
- {krafamtei}
- {ditcu}
- {temci}
Proposed Keywords
- awhile
Usage Examples
- mi ba ze'a stali
- "I'll stay for a while."
- mi tigni ze'a lo masti be li mupimu bu'u la kamogauas zei banlyxotli tu'i la kamogauas pe lo pongu'e
- "I performed for five and a half months at the Kamogawa Grand Hotel in Kamogawa, Japan."
- Proposed definition definition differs from CLL and ma'oste in that "medium" has been removed, so that a basic form is available when the size of the interval is not particularly significant.
cmavo: ze'e (ZEhA)
Proposed Definition
Unbounded duration. It indicates that the event lasts for an unlimited time. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the unbounded duration.
Proposed Tag
fi'o cimni krafamtei
See Also
- {ze'a}
- {ze'i}
- {ze'u}
- {krafamtei}
- {ditcu}
- {temci}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- mi'o se kampu lo steci te jorne poi mi na ka'e ciksi i ju'o mi'o ze'e ba pedysi'u i ju'ocu'i ze'e pu go'i
- "We share a special bond, one I can't explain. I know we will be friends forever. Or maybe we have been already."
- .i ze'e lo mokca ko'a simlu lo ka fulta ga'uva lo gutci be li ji'i renono
- "...and for an instant that lasted forever, he seemed to float about two hundred feet up"
cmavo: ze'i (ZEhA)
Proposed Definition
Short duration. It indicates that the event lasts for a short time. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the short duration.
Proposed Tag
fi'o cmalu krafamtei
See Also
- {ze'a}
- {ze'e}
- {ze'u}
- {krafamtei}
- {ditcu}
- {temci}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- ji'asai mi ze'i jinvi lo du'u sa'u mi xruti le solji cedra be lo xagze'a ke rokci zgike
- "I even thought for a jiffy that I was just returning to the golden era of progressive rock music."
- ko'a ba lo nu ze'i lo nanca no'u li 1622 ctuca fi lo saskrfilosofia fi'o ckule la vaisenburg noi ca du la karlsburg tu'i la transilvanias cu vrici litru lifri fau lo nu selfu so'o tutra nobli
- "After being for a short year (1622) professor of philosophy at the Gymnasium of Weissenburg (now Karlsburg) in Transylvania, he led a wandering life in the service of various territorial nobles."
cmavo: ze'u (ZEhA)
Proposed Definition
Long duration. It indicates that the event lasts for a long time. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the long duration.
Proposed Tag
fi'o barda krafamtei
See Also
- {ze'a}
- {ze'e}
- {ze'i}
- {krafamtei}
- {ditcu}
- {temci}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- ri'a ma lo je'erma'a cu ze'u cando gi'ebabo te jetce
- "Why do volcanoes sit for a long time and then finally erupt?"
- ze'u lo cacra la mauglis cu vreta seru'u lo so'o djine ize'abo la kaas noi lo stedu cu cando cpana le loldi cu pensi ro da poi ky viska gi'e djuno co'a lo djedi poi ky cliva lo sovda
- "For a long hour Mowgli lay back among the coils, while Kaa, his head motionless on the ground, thought of all that he had seen and known since the day he came from the egg."
cmavo: ve'a (VEhA)
Proposed Definition
Spatial extent. It indicates that the event extends over a certain region. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the region.
Proposed Tag
fi'o selku'e
See Also
- {ve'e}
- {ve'i}
- {ve'u}
- {kuspe}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- ro mirli ro drata mirli cu frica lo ka se panci i my ba'arpu'i lo tutra be my ta'i lo nu my ve'a cliva lo panci be my
- "Every deer smells different from every other deer. They mark their territory by leaving their scent throughout a certain area."
- mi zifre lo nu curmi lo nu le nanla cu jai fenki ve'a lo tumla kramu be li so'u i go'i secau lo nu xanka lo nu ny klama lo mokau jarbu
- "I can let the boys go crazy over a few acres of land without wondering which zip code they've wandered off to."
- Proposed definition definition differs from CLL and ma'oste in that "medium" has been removed, so that a basic form is available when the size of the interval is not particularly significant.
cmavo: ve'e (VEhA)
Proposed Definition
Unbounded spatial extent. It indicates that the event extends over an unlimited region. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the unbounded region.
Proposed Tag
fi'o cimni selku'e
See Also
- {ve'a}
- {ve'i}
- {ve'u}
- {kuspe}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- lo skepre cu jinvi lo du'u lo ratygri poi sarcu lo nu se marji lo selci pilka kei e seni'ibo lo krasi be lo nu jmive cu zasti ve'e lo kensa
- "Scientists believe the molecules needed to make a cell's membrane, and thus for the origin of life, are all over space"
- ca lo nu do dei tcidu kei lo tarci cu tolcanci gi'e mrobi'o vau ve'e lo munje i pamei fasnu gi'e pagbu lo bratce pruce poi munje nu fesrefpi'o
- "As you read this, stars are emerging and dying all over the Universe, individual episodes in an huge process of cosmic recycling."
cmavo: ve'i (VEhA)
Proposed Definition
Small spatial extent. It indicates that the event extends over a small region. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the small region.
Proposed Tag
fi'o cmalu selku'e
See Also
- {ve'a}
- {ve'e}
- {ve'u}
- {kuspe}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- ta'e lo mabrnmustela cu ve'i po'o kalte ijeve'ibo my ji'a se jersi lo djica
- "Usually weasels hunt only throughout a small area, and within these boundaries they, too, are avidly pursued."
- le sanga pu ca'o plipe ve'i le tsina
- "The singer was hopping all over the tiny stage."
cmavo: ve'u (VEhA)
Proposed Definition
Large spatial extent. It indicates that the event extends over a large region. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the large region.
Proposed Tag
fi'o barda selku'e
See Also
- {ve'a}
- {ve'e}
- {ve'i}
- {kuspe}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Example
- le skuro be le loldi cu ve'u se ganse
- "The cracks in the soil were observed over a large zone."
- le balmalsi sagbe'e cu gidva fi piso'e le ritli i le voksa be le sanga cu se minra ve'u le malsi
- "The cathedral choir leads most of the service, and the singers' voices echo throughout the huge sanctuary."
cmavo: vi'a (VIhA)
Proposed Definition
Two-dimensional spatial extent. It indicates that the event extends across a surface. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the surface.
Proposed Tag
fi'o relselcimde selku'e
See Also
- {vi'e}
- {vi'i}
- {vi'u}
- {cimde}
- {kuspe}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- ta'i ma lo resrgeko cu nipsti da ca lo nu muvdu vi'a da
- "How do gecko lizards unstick themselves as they move across a surface?"
- Proposed definition definition differs from CLL and ma'oste in that "medium" has been removed, so that a basic form is available when the size of the interval is not particularly significant.
cmavo: vi'e (VIhA)
Proposed Definition
Four-dimensional spatio-temporal extent. It indicates that the event extends throughout a space-time volume. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the space-time volume.
Proposed Tag
fi'o vonselcimde selku'e
See Also
- {vi'a}
- {vi'i}
- {vi'u}
- {cimde}
- {kuspe}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- lo cfila cu se jarco vi'e po'o lo nu lo nonkanbo'a cu kucysi'u
- "The deformation only shows up in the space-time region where solitons interact."
- xu pensi le vi'e pixra
- "Do you think about the whole picture?"
- doi makflais. do na vi'e pensi
- "Makflais, you don't ever think."
cmavo: vi'i (VIhA)
Proposed Definitions
One-dimensional spatial extent. It indicates that the event extends along a line. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the line.
Proposed Tag
fi'o pavyselcimde selku'e
See Also
- {vi'a}
- {vi'e}
- {vi'u}
- {cimde}
- {kuspe}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- ca lo cerni be lo soldei po'u li 1961 pi'e 8 pi'e 13 lo gunka co'a zbasu lo mitre be li ci galtu ke sligu bitmu vi'i le korbi be le softo pagbu be le tcadu
- "On Sunday morning, August 13, 1961, workers began building a three-meter-high concrete wall along the border of the Soviet sector of the city."
cmavo: vi'u (VIhA)
Proposed Definition
Three-dimensional spatial extent. It indicates that the event extends throughout a volume. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the volume.
Proposed Tag
fi'o cibyselcimde selku'e
See Also
- {vi'a}
- {vi'e}
- {vi'i}
- {cimde}
- {kuspe}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- lo risna cu sluji rango fi lo nu pambe lo ciblu vi'u lo xadni
- "The heart is the muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body."
cmavo: za (ZI)
Proposed Definition
Time distance. It indicates that the event is separated in time from the speaker or reference point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the time separation distance.
Proposed Tag
fi'o temci be lo manri
See Also
- {zi}
- {zu}
- {temci}
- {manri}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- mi puza jonbi'o le vi cecmu gi'e ze'a smaji tcidu gi'eku'i noroi mrilu
- "I joined this community a while ago and have been lurking for a bit, but never posted."
- lo brogu'e pulji cu cusku lo se du'u py cpacu lo datni be lo cumki nungunta pu lo nunspoja za lo cacra
- "Israeli police said they received intelligence about a possible attack an hour before the explosion."
- Proposed definition definition differs from CLL and ma'oste in that "medium" has been removed, so that a basic form is available when the size of the interval is not particularly significant.
- Neither CLL nor ma'oste specify the meaning of tagged sumti with ZI, but the idea is that they work analogously to VA. VA in CLL tags the reference point instead of the distance as proposed here. In the ma'oste, two options are given for VA: they either tag the reference point: "a short/medium/long distance from...", or they tag the actual position of the event, as away from the speaker: "here/there/yonder at...". This last possibility is not mentioned in CLL.
cmavo: zi (ZI)
Proposed Definition
Short time distance. It indicates that the event is separated by a short time from the speaker or reference point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the short time separation distance.
Proposed Tag
fi'o cmalu temci be lo manri
See Also
- {za}
- {zu}
- {temci}
- {manri}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- mi do ba kansa zi lo mentu
- "I'll be with you in just a minute."
- ko'a spebi'o ca lo lerci be lo nunji'e gi'ebabo mrobi'o zi lo nanca be li mu fau lo nu cliva lo ko'a speni e ci cmalu panzi
- "He married late in life and died only five years later, leaving his wife with three small children."
- Neither CLL nor ma'oste specify the meaning of tagged sumti with ZI, but the idea is that they work analogously to VA. VA in CLL tags the reference point instead of the distance as proposed here. In the ma'oste, two options are given for VA: they either tag the reference point: "a short/medium/long distance from...", or they tag the actual position of the event, as away from the speaker: "here/there/yonder at...". This last possibility is not mentioned in CLL.
cmavo: zu (ZI)
Proposed Definition
Long time distance. It indicates that the event is separated by a long time from the speaker or reference point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the long time separation distance.
Proposed Tag
fi'o barda temci be lo manri
See Also
- {za}
- {zi}
- {temci}
- {manri}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- puzuvuku ni'a lo blanu tsani mi'o cmila je kelci je senva ze'u lo cacra be li so'i
- "Long ago and far away beneath the skies of blue, We laughed and played and dreamed away the hours, me and you."
- ibabo zu lo jeftu mi cpacu lo skami selmri
- "A long week later, I received an e-mail."
- Neither CLL nor ma'oste specify the meaning of tagged sumti with ZI, but the idea is that they work analogously to VA. VA in CLL tags the reference point instead of the distance as proposed here. In the ma'oste, two options are given for VA: they either tag the reference point: "a short/medium/long distance from...", or they tag the actual position of the event, as away from the speaker: "here/there/yonder at...". This last possibility is not mentioned in CLL.
cmavo: va (VA)
Proposed Definition
Space distance. It indicates that the event is separated in space from the speaker or reference point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the space separation distance.
Proposed Tag
fi'o tersei be lo manri
See Also
- {vi}
- {vu}
- {sepli}
- {manri}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- le gerku ze'a pu na se viska ca lo nu mi'a tirna lo nu zu'a va bacru
- "The dogs had been for some time out of sight when we heard a barking at some distance to the left."
- lo karce be lo jatna be la xamas cu se darxi fi re bradanti ki lo zdani be jy va lo mitre be li so'o
- "The Hamas leader's car was hit with two missiles several meters away from his home."
- Proposed definition definition differs from CLL and ma'oste in that "medium" has been removed, so that a basic form is available when the size of the interval is not particularly significant.
cmavo: vi (VA)
Proposed Definition
Short space distance. It indicates that the event is separated by a short space from the speaker or reference point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the short space separation distance.
Proposed Tag
fi'o cmalu tersei be lo manri
See Also
- {va}
- {vu}
- {sepli}
- {manri}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- le mi lanzu vi sanga ze'u lo so'i rorlei sei ko'a fi mi cusk
- ""My family have been singing here for generations," he told me."
- su'oroiku ma'a ge viska lo nu lindi vi lo minli be li so'u gi ku'i na tirna lo sance be ly
- "Sometimes we see lightning strike only a few miles away but we don't hear the thunder it causes."
cmavo: vu (VA)
Proposed Definition
Long space distance. It indicates that the event is separated by a long space from the speaker or reference point. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the long space separation distance.
Proposed Tag
fi'o barda tersei be lo manri
See Also
- {va}
- {vi}
- {sepli}
- {manri}
Proposed Keywords
Usage Examples
- do te vecnu da bu'u lo nu da se zbasu ije vu vecnu da bu'u lo nu da kargu
- "You buy stuff where it's made, and sell it far away where it's expensive."
General Section Issues
The rationale for using ZI and VA to tag the distance is that their function is precisely to indicate the measure of separation of the event from the speaker or reference point. There is no other convenient way of specifying the measure of separation, while there are plenty of other ways to indicate the reference point: for example PU, FAhA and KI.
Ancient usages with the "there at..." meaning are not contemplated. These are wrong both by CLL and by this proposal:
le cribe cu cupra lei kalci va le tricu ciste
All-of-the-at-least-one-thing-I-describe-as a-bear [past]
produced the-mass-of feces there-at the tree-type-of system.
The bear shat in the woods.
[English (by Guy Lee)]
; you, Tityrus, cool in shade,
Are teaching woods to echo lovely Amaryllis.
.i do doi tityrus. noi nalkurji
va le ctino cu ctuca lei ricfoi fi lenu sance minra la poi melbi
[English Don Wiggins]
; you, Titerus, who does not care, there in the shade,
teach the forests the echo of Amarili the Beautiful. [...]
From: David Twery
.i mi pu tirna ko'a va le vacri po'e lo nicte ca mi tirna lenu lo mamta cu
selsanga co vrucau seva'u lo verba poi ke'a selraktu je fengu vi leka manku
I heard it in the air of one night when I listened to a mother
singing softly to a child restless and angry in the darkness.
The widespread use of "vi" instead of "bu'u" as the space equivalent of "ca" becomes invalidated. There are lots of these, here are just a few examples: {vi lo purdi}, {vi loi cnino stuzi}, {vi le rokci} {vi lo minra} {vi le lisri}, {vi le dei jufygri}, {vi lo jibni be lo jufra fanmo}, {vi le ckana} {vi le selmacygu'e} {vi le barja}, {vile ckafybarja}, {vi le tcadu}
tu'a le cukta {vi le tcadu}, {vi le klina} {vi le xunre cmama'a be la djordjas}, {vi le mu'a .ua la misisipis. jectypau} {vi le ckafybarja}, {vi le purci}
My version of The Book {vi le loldi}, {vi le cukta fanmo}, {vi le kunti foldi}
le nanmu kujo'u le since {vi lei pagbu be le dinju}, {vi le me la ga'i drurin. zdani}, {vi le srasu}, {vi le midju darno}, {vi le na'e ciblu}, {vi le cukta kumfa}, {vi le dijlu'a} {vi le jupku'a} {vi le galtu be lo zdani}, {vi le dizlo be le zdani}, {vi le zdani} {vi le barda cmana}, {vi le mipri pagbu be le cmana}, {vi lo xrulrlili'u}
Old MacDonald {vi le cange}
Some uses of "vi" with the "a short distance from..." meaning:
tu'a le cukta {vi le xekri je ctile rirxe}
le nanmu kujo'u le since {vi la nil} {vi le ragve kojna}
lapoi pelxu ku'o trajynobli {vi le remoi jubme}
Meeting other lojbanists {vi le se xabju be do}
Some uses that become validated {zi lo mokca}, {zi lo mentu be li ji'ire}, {zi lo mleca be lo temci}, {za lo drata mentu}
Le Petit Prince {za lo nanca be li xa}
Le Petit Prince 2 {vu lo minli be li ki'o} {va lo mitre be li su'o
Disagreement/clarification/discussion on FAhA. (also in 'spatial' FAhA)