- .a'a (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express attentiveness/payment-of-attention/heed/concentration. (cf. jundi, re'i)
.a'a .i ko di'a co'e .i ba ku ma fasnu
Aha, go on, what happened next?
- .a'a cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express inattentiveness/distraction/non-payment of attention/heedlessness.
.a'a cu'i ko denpa lo nu mi mulgau ti
Eh, just a second, let me finish this.
- .a'a nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express avoidance/evasion/dodging. (cf. rivbi)
.a'a nai mi na tirna
La, la, la, I'm not listening.
- .a'e (UI1)
- Attitudinal: Used to express alertness/awareness/enthusiasm/liveliness/eagerness/readiness. (cf. sanji, cikna)
.a'e le cabdei ba xamgu djedi
Today is going to be a good day!
- .a'e (UI*1)
- Attitudinal: Used to express exhaustion/tiredness/weariness/fatigue/lassitude/prostration/burnout (cf. tatpi)
.a'e nai mi klama lo ckana
Yaaaawn... I'm going to bed.
- .a'i (UI1)
- Attitudinal: Used to express effort/endeavor/exertion/labor/pains/strife/toil. (cf. gunka, slunandu, troci)
.a'i mi na kakne lo nu ze'a ba ralte
I can't hold it for much longer!
- .a'i cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal: Used to express effortlessness/ease/facility/no special effort (cf. slufrili)
.a'i cu'i ti frili
Ah, this is easy.
- .a'i nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal: Used to express repose/calm/inaction/inactivity/stillness (cf. guksurla, selprogunka)
.a'i nai panpi stuzi
What a peaceful place!
- .a'u (UI1)
- Attitudinal: Used to express interest/curiosity/concern/preoccupation. (cf. cinri)
.a'u ma ba'o se lifri do
What happened to you?
- .a'u cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal: Used to express disinterest/uninterest/unconcern/apathy/detachment/indifference.
.a'u cu'i na cuntu mi
That's none of my business.
- .a'u nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal: Used to express repulsion/aversion/disgust/distaste/repugnance.
.a'u nai ta panci simsa lo kalci
Yuck, that smells like shit!
- .i'a (UI1)
- attitudinal: Used to express acceptance/acknowledgement/admission/assent/consent/acquiescence/conformity/satisfaction (cf. nalpro, no'epro, nalzugjdi)
.i'a ta banzu
Okay, that will do.
- .i'a nai (UI1)
- attitudinal: Used to express refusal/rejection/eschewal/resistance/dissatisfaction/blame/incrimination/inculpation
.i'a nai ta mi za'o na mansa
No, that still doesn't satisfy me.
- .i'e (UI1)
- Attitudinal: Used to express approval/endorsement/sanction/support/approbation/favor/praise/applause/acclaim. (cf. zanru)
.i'e do xautce gunka
Very good! You did an excellent job.
- .i'e cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal: Used to express neither approval nor disapproval/impartiality/neutrality/nonpartisanship/objectivity.
.i'e cu'i lo cmaci ka'e cfipu lo co'a ve ckule
Speaking objectively, math can be confusing for 1st graders.
- .i'e nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal: Used to express disapproval/criticism/disapprobation/disfavor/opposition/condemnation/reprobation.
.i'e nai le pixra cu korcu dandu
Hm, the picture is hanging crooked.
- .i'i (UI1)
- attitudinal: togetherness - privacy (cf. kansa, gumna, sivni, sepli)
.i'i mi ba jinga
Yay! We're gonna win!
.i'i mi mi'ecpe lo se pleji nu zenba
We demand a raise!
.i'i nai ko cliva
Go away, I want to be alone!
- .i'o (UI1)
- attitudinal: appreciation - envy (cf. ckire, jilra)
.i'o do je'a pendo
Ah, you're a true friend.
- .i'u (UI1)
- attitudinal: familiarity - mystery (cf. slabu, nalni'o, kufra)
.i'u nai no da sidbo fi mi lo du'u pleji ma kau fo ta
I have no idea how much they are paying for that.
- ia (UI1)
- attitudinal: belief - skepticism - disbelief (cf. krici, jinvi)
ia lo cevni cu zasti
God exists.
- ie (UI1)
- attitudinal: agreement - disagreement (cf. tugni)
ie ta melbi
Yes, that's beautiful.
- ii (UI1)
- attitudinal: fear - security (cf. terpa, snura)
ii le tirxu cu xruti
Oh, no! The tiger is back!
- io (UI1)
- attitudinal: respect - disrespect (cf. sinma)
io ko mi jersi doi nolnau
This way, Sir, if you please.
io nai ko ti klama doi bebna
Get your ass over here, you idiot!
- iu (UI1)
- attitudinal: love - no love lost - hatred (cf. prami)
iu do melbi
You're beautiful.
- .o'a (UI1)
- attitudinal: pride - modesty/humility - shame (cf. jgira, cumla, ckeji)
.o'a ju'i mamta mi kakne lo nu tcidu
Look Mummy, I can read!
- .o'e (UI1)
- attitudinal: closeness - distance (cf. cnijbi, cnikansa)
.o'e nai doi dirba mi to'e cinmo
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
- .o'i (UI1)
- attitudinal: caution - rashness (cf. capyrivbi, capfanta, srerivbi, srefanta, naldarsi, seljde)
.o'i le loldi cu se sakli
Careful! The floor is slippery.
- .o'o (UI1)
- attitudinal: patience - mere tolerance - anger (cf. fengu, to'ersteba, de'acni
.o'o nai lo xanto cu fanta lo nu mi pagre
Damn, the elephants are blocking my way!
- .o'u (UI1)
- attitudinal: relaxation - composure - stress (cf. surla, cnilanxe, dunku)
.o'u ti zabna se lifri
Ah, this is the life!
- .oi (UI1)
- attitudinal: complaint - pleasure (cf. pante, pluka, kufra)
.oi mi cortu le kanla
Ouch! My eyes hurt.
.oi nai glare cakla
''Mmm, hot chocolate!"
- .u'a (UI1)
- attitudinal: gain - loss (cf. jinga, selne'u, prali, cirko)
.u'a nai la rover pu xamgu gerku
Snif, Rover was a good dog.
- .u'e (UI1)
- attitudinal: wonder -commonplace (cf. manci, fadni)
.u'e ze prenu cu zvati
Wow, there are seven people here!
.u'e le va gerku cu mutce stati
Wow, that dog is really talented!
.u'e nai xu ta xagrai lo se kakne be do
Pshaw, is that the best you can do?
- .u'i (UI1)
- attitudinal: amusement - weariness (cf. selzdi, selxajmi, xalbo)
.u'i ta cusku zo ganxo
Heh, heh, he said "arsehole".
- .u'o (UI1)
- attitudinal: courage - timidity - cowardice (cf. virnu)
.u'o nai mi na nerkla ta
Oh no, I'm not going in there.
- .u'u (UI1)
- attitudinal: repentance - lack of regret - innocence (cf. xenru, zugycni)
.u'u mi pu na jundi
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.
- ua (UI1)
- attitudinal: discovery - confusion/searching (cf. facki, cfipu, sisku)
ua ba'e ta do mensi
Ah, so *that*'s your sister.
ua nai la'e di'u vajni fi ma
Huh? How is that relevant?
- ue (UI1)
- attitudinal: surprise - not really surprised - expectation (cf. spaji)
ue ta lenku
Oo, that's cold!
- ui (UI1)
- attitudinal: happiness - unhappiness (cf. gleki)
ui mi pu klama le zarci
Yay, I went to the store!
- uo (UI1)
- attitudinal: completion - incompleteness (cf. mulno, mansa, fanmo, snada)
uo di'u clani jufra
Pfew, that was a long sentence!
- uu (UI1)
- attitudinal: pity - cruelty (cf. kecti)
uu mi ba dunda lo boxfo do
Oh you poor thing! I'll get you a blanket.
uu nai lo do pruxi ba me mi moi
Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha! Your soul will be mine!
.a'a | le cusku cu jundi
.a'e | le cusku cu sanji
.a'i | le cusku cu nadytoi
.a'u | le cusku cu se cinri
.i'a | le cusku cu randa
.i'e | le cusku cu zanru
.i'i | le cusku cu kansa
.i'o | le cusku cu ckire
.i'u | le cusku cu se slabu
.ia | le cusku cu krici
.ie | le cusku cu tugni
.ii | le cusku cu terpa
.io | le cusku cu sinma
.iu | le cusku cu prami
.o'a | le cusku cu jgira
.o'e | le cusku cu cnijbi
.o'i | le cusku cu seljde
.o'o | le cusku cu de'acni
.o'u | le cusku cu surla
.oi | le cusku cu pante
.u'a | le cusku cu jinga
.u'e | le cusku cu se manci
.u'i | le cusku cu se zdile
.u'o | le cusku cu virnu
.u'u | le cusku cu xenru
.ua | le cusku cu facki
.ue | le cusku cu se spaji
.ui | le cusku cu gleki
.uo | le cusku cu snada
.uu | le cusku cu kecti
Proposed Definitions And Examples
Proposed Definition of .a'a
- .a'a (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express attentive {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. jundi, rivbi)
Examples of .a'a Usage
Proposed Definition of .a'a cu'i
- .a'a cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express inattentive {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .a'a cu'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .a'a nai
- .a'a nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express avoiding {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .a'a nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .a'e
- .a'e (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express alertness {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. sanji, cikna, tatpi)
Examples of .a'e Usage
Proposed Definition of .a'e nai
- .a'e nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express exhaustion {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .a'e nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .a'i
- .a'i (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express effort {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. gunka, slunandu, guksurla, troci, selprogunka)
Examples of .a'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .a'i cu'i
- .a'i cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express no special effort {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .a'i cu'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .a'i nai
- .a'i nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express repose {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .a'i nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .a'u
- .a'u (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express interest {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. cinri, selcni)
Examples of .a'u Usage
Proposed Definition of .a'u cu'i
- .a'u cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express disinterest {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .a'u cu'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .a'u nai
- .a'u nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express repulsion {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .a'u nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .i'a
- .i'a (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express acceptance {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. nalna'e, nalpro, no'epro, nalzugjdi)
Examples of .i'a Usage
Proposed Definition of .i'a nai
- .i'a nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express blame {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .i'a nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .i'e
- .i'e (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express approval {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. zanru)
Examples of .i'e Usage
Proposed Definition of .i'e cu'i
- .i'e cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express non-approval {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .i'e cu'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .i'e nai
- .i'e nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express disapproval {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .i'e nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .i'i
- .i'i (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express togetherness {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. kansa, gumna, sivni, sepli)
Examples of .i'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .i'i nai
- .i'i nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express privacy {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .i'i nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .i'o
- .i'o (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express appreciation {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. ckire, jilra)
Examples of .i'o Usage
Proposed Definition of .i'o nai
- .i'o nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express envy {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .i'o nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .i'u
- .i'u (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express familiarity {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. slabu, nalni'o, kufra)
Examples of .i'u Usage
Proposed Definition of .i'u nai
- .i'u nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express mystery {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .i'u nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .ia
- .ia (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express belief {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. krici, jinvi)
Examples of .ia Usage
Proposed Definition of .ia cu'i
- .ia cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express skepticism {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .ia cu'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .ia nai
- .ia nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express disbelief {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .ia nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .ie
- .ie (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express agreement {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. tugni)
Examples of .ie Usage
Proposed Definition of .ie nai
- .ie nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express disagreement {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .ie nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .ii
- .ii (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express fear {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. terpa, snura)
Examples of .ii Usage
Proposed Definition of .ii nai
- .ii nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express security {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .ii nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .io
- .io (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express respect {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. sinma)
Examples of .io Usage
Proposed Definition of .io nai
- .io nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express disrespect {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .io nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .iu
- .iu (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express love {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. prami)
Examples of .iu Usage
Proposed Definition of .iu cu'i
- .iu cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express no love lost {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .iu cu'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .iu nai
- .iu nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express hatred {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .iu nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .o'a
- .o'a (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express pride {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. jgira, cumla, ckeji)
Examples of .o'a Usage
Proposed Definition of .o'a cu'i
- .o'a cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express modesty {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .o'a cu'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .o'a nai
- .o'a nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express shame {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .o'a nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .o'e
- .o'e (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express closeness {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. cnijbi, cnikansa)
Examples of .o'e Usage
Proposed Definition of .o'e nai
- .o'e nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express distance {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .o'e nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .o'i
- .o'i (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express caution {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. capyrivbi, capfanta, srerivbi, srefanta, naldarsi, seljde)
Examples of .o'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .o'i nai
- .o'i nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express rashness {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .o'i nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .o'o
- .o'o (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express patience {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. fengu, to'ersteba, de'acni
Examples of .o'o Usage
Proposed Definition of .o'o cu'i
- .o'o cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express mere tolerance {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .o'o cu'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .o'o nai
- .o'o nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express anger {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .o'o nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .o'u
- .o'u (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express relaxation {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. surla, cnilanxe, dunku)
Examples of .o'u Usage
Proposed Definition of .o'u cu'i
- .o'u cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express composure {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .o'u cu'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .o'u nai
- .o'u nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express stress {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .o'u nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .oi
- .oi (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express complaint {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. pante, pluka, kufra)
Examples of .oi Usage
Proposed Definition of .oi nai
- .oi nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express pleasure {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .oi nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .oire'e
- .oire'e (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express spiritual complaint {MORE DETAILS}.
spiritual/religious complaint
Examples of .oire'e Usage
Proposed Definition of .oiro'a
- .oiro'a (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express embarrassment {MORE DETAILS}.
social complaint
Examples of .oiro'a Usage
Proposed Definition of .oiro'e
- .oiro'e (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express puzzlement {MORE DETAILS}.
mental complaint (puzzlement, excess mental work)
Examples of .oiro'e Usage
Proposed Definition of .oiro'i
- .oiro'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express anxiety {MORE DETAILS}.
emotional complaint
Examples of .oiro'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .oiro'o
- .oiro'o (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express physical pain {MORE DETAILS}.
physical complaint
Examples of .oiro'o Usage
Proposed Definition of .oiro'u
- .oiro'u (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express sexual complaint {MORE DETAILS}.
sexual complaint
Examples of .oiro'u Usage
Proposed Definition of .u'a
- .u'a (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express gain {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. jinga, selne'u, prali, cirko)
Examples of .u'a Usage
Proposed Definition of .u'a nai
- .u'a nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express loss {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .u'a nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .u'e
- .u'e (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express wonder {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. manci, fadni)
Examples of .u'e Usage
Proposed Definition of .u'e nai
- .u'e nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express commonplace {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .u'e nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .u'i
- .u'i (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express amusement {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. selzdi, selxajmi, xalbo)
Examples of .u'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .u'i nai
- .u'i nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express weariness {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .u'i nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .u'o
- .u'o (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express courage {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. virnu)
Examples of .u'o Usage
Proposed Definition of .u'o cu'i
- .u'o cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express timidity {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .u'o cu'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .u'o nai
- .u'o nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express cowardice {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .u'o nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .u'u
- .u'u (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express repentance {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. xenru, zugycni)
Examples of .u'u Usage
Proposed Definition of .u'u cu'i
- .u'u cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express lack of regret {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .u'u cu'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .u'u nai
- .u'u nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express innocence {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .u'u nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .ua
- .ua (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express discovery {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. facki, cfipu, sisku)
Examples of .ua Usage
Proposed Definition of .ua nai
- .ua nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express confusion {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .ua nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .ue
- .ue (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express surprise {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. spaji)
Examples of .ue Usage
Proposed Definition of .ue cu'i
- .ue cu'i (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express not very surprised {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .ue cu'i Usage
Proposed Definition of .ue nai
- .ue nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express expectation {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .ue nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .uepei
- .uepei (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express surprised? {MORE DETAILS}.
surprise question
Examples of .uepei Usage
Proposed Definition of .ui
- .ui (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express happiness {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. gleki)
Examples of .ui Usage
Proposed Definition of .ui bu
- .ui bu (BY*)
- Letteral. Used to express happy face {MORE DETAILS}.
happiness symbol (letteral)
Examples of .ui bu Usage
Proposed Definition of .ui nai
- .ui nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express unhappiness {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .ui nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .uo
- .uo (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express completion {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. mulno, mansa, fanmo, snada)
Examples of .uo Usage
Proposed Definition of .uo nai
- .uo nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express incompleteness {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .uo nai Usage
Proposed Definition of .uu
- .uu (UI1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express pity {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. (cf. kecti)
Examples of .uu Usage
Proposed Definition of .uu nai
- .uu nai (UI*1)
- Attitudinal. Used to express cruelty {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface.
Examples of .uu nai Usage