History: BPFK Section: Realis Attitudinals

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.a'a (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express attentiveness / payment-of-attention / heed / concentration. (cf. jundi, re'i)

.a'a .i ko di'a co'e .i ba ku ma fasnu

Aha, go on, what happened next?

.a'a cu'i (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express inattentiveness / distraction / non-payment of attention / heedlessness. (cf. nalju'i, re'i nai)

.a'a cu'i ko denpa lo nu mi mulgau ti

Eh, just a second, let me finish this.

.a'a nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express avoidance / evasion / dodging. (cf. rivbi)

.a'a nai mi na tirna. (cf. rivbi)

La, la, la, I'm not listening.

.a'e (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express alertness / awareness / enthusiasm / liveliness / eagerness / readiness. (cf. cikna, sanji)

.a'e le cabdei ba xamgu djedi

Today is going to be a good day!

.a'e nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express exhaustion / tiredness / weariness / fatigue / lassitude / prostration / burnout (cf. tatpi)

.a'e nai mi klama lo ckana

Yaaaawn... I'm going to bed.

.a'u (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express interest / curiosity / concern / preoccupation. (cf. selci'i, kurji)

.a'u ma ba'o se lifri do

What happened to you?

.a'u cu'i (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express disinterest / uninterest / unconcern / apathy / detachment / indifference. (cf. nalselci'i)

.a'u cu'i na cuntu mi

That's none of my business.

.a'u nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express repulsion / aversion / disgust / distaste / repugnance. (cf. selrigni)

.a'u nai ta panci simsa lo kalci

Yuck, that smells like shit!

.i'a (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express acceptance / acknowledgement / admission / assent / consent / acquiescence / conformity / satisfaction (cf. selmansa, nalpro, no'epro, nalzugjdi, fi'i)

.i'a ta banzu

Okay, that will do.

.i'a nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express refusal / rejection / eschewal / resistance / dissatisfaction / blame / incrimination / inculpation (cf. tolselmansa, fi'i nai)

.i'a nai ta mi za'o na mansa

No, that still doesn't satisfy me.

.i'e (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express approval / endorsement / sanction / support / approbation / favor / praise / applause / acclaim. (cf. zanru)

.i'e do xautce gunka

Very good! You did an excellent job.

.i'e cu'i (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express neither approval nor disapproval / impartiality / neutrality / nonpartisanship / objectivity. (cf. nutli, norzau)

.i'e cu'i lo cmaci ka'e cfipu lo co'a ve ckule

Speaking objectively, math can be confusing for 1st graders.

.i'e nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express disapproval / criticism / disapprobation / disfavor / opposition / condemnation / reprobation. (cf. tolzau)

.i'e nai le pixra cu korcu dandu

Hm, the picture is hanging crooked.

.i'i (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express togetherness / unanimity / communion / unity / comradeship / camaraderie / conviviality / gregariousness / sociability (cf. gumna, kansa)

.i'i mi ba jinga

Yay! We're gonna win!

.i'i mi mi'ecpe lo se pleji nu zenba

We demand a raise!

.i'i nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express privacy / aloofness / privateness / isolation / solitude / seclusiveness / reclusiveness / secrecy / retirement / withdrawal (selsivni, sepli)

.i'i nai ko cliva

Go away, I want to be alone!

.i'o (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express appreciation / recognition / valuation / thanks / gratitude. (cf. ckire)

.i'o do je'a pendo

Ah, you're a true friend.

.i'o nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express envy / jealousy / resentment / bitterness (cf. jilra)

.i'o nai do ro roi se funca lo zabna

Damn you, you always have good luck!

.i'u (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express familiarity / acquaintanceship / recognition / conversance / grasp / ken / knowledge. (cf. selsau, nalselni'o, kufra, djuno)

.i'u mi ta xabju ze'a lo nanca be li so'i

Yes, I lived there for many years.

.i'u nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express unfamiliarity / ignorance / unknowingness / mystification / mystery. (cf. termipri)

.i'u nai no da sidbo fi mi lo du'u pleji ma kau fo ta

I have no idea how much they are paying for that.

ii (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express fear / alarm / anxiety / fright / horror / panic / terror / apprehension / dread / phobia. (cf. terpa)

ii le tirxu cu xruti

Oh, no! The tiger is back!

ii nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express security / safeness / invulnerability (cf. snura)

ii nai le ctuca na ba tolcri mi'o ti

Heh, the teacher won't find us here.

io (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express respect / regard / courtesy / consideration / deference / homage / kudos / recognition / obeisance / obligingness / veneration / reverence / civility / urbanity / gallantry / politeness / friendliness / affability / corteousness / cordiality / complaisance / solicitude. (cf. sinma, clite, ga'i nai)

io ko mi jersi doi nolnau

This way, Sir, if you please.

io nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express disrespect / contempt / discourtesy / scorn / impertinence / insolence / impoliteness / irreverence / derision / disparagement / disdain. (cf. tolsi'a, ga'i)

io nai ko ti klama doi bebna

Get your ass over here, you idiot!

iu (UI1)
Attitudina.: Used to express love / esteem / adoration / worship / devotion / affection / fondness / sympathy (cf. prami, pendo)

iu do melbi

You're beautiful.

iu nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express hatred / abhorrence / antipathy / bitterness / detestation / hate / loathing / odium (cf. xebni)

iu nai do palci

You're evil.

.o'a (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express pride / dignity / self-confidence / smugness / bravado / grandiloquence / pomposity / cockiness / conceit / arrogance. (cf. jgira, ga'i)

.o'a ju'i mamta mi kakne lo nu tcidu

Look Mummy, I can read!

.o'a cu'i (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express modesty / humility / humbleness / discreetness / meekness / unpretentiousness / reserve (cf. cumla, ga'i nai)

.o'a cu'i ba'e mi lumci pi su'o po'o le loldi

Oh, *I* mopped only some part of the floor.

.o'a nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express shame / abashment / embarrassment / humiliation / mortification (cf. ckeji)

.o'a nai mi mrilu le notci lo srera noigri

Oops, I posted the message to the wrong newsgroup.

.o'e (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express intimacy / closeness / affinity / sympathy / rapport. (cf. cnijbi, cnikansa)

.o'e mi do ba kansa lo nu vitke lo mikce

I'll go with you to see the doctor.

.o'e nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express distance / aloofness / coldness / antipathy. (cf. cnida'o)

.o'e nai doi dirba mi to'e cinmo

Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

.o'i (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express caution / carefulness / prudence / vigilance. (cf. seljde, capyrivbi, capfanta, srerivbi, srefanta, naldarsi)

.o'i le loldi cu se sakli

Careful! The floor is slippery.

.o'i nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express rashness / audacity / dauntlessness / temerity / recklessness / imprudence / impetuosity / impulsiveness / overconfidence. (cf. darsi)

.o'i nai ko gunta


.o'o (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express patience / forbearance / leniency / benevolence / indulgence / magnanimity. (cf. xendo, de'acni)

.o'o ko za'u re'u troci

Ok, try again.

.o'o cu'i (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express tolerance / open-mindedness / moderation / fairness / reasonableness / mildness (cf. racli, to'ersteba)

.o'o cu'i ma pu mukti fi do

So, what drove you to do it?

.o'o nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express anger / annoyance / exasperation / fury / rage / impatience / indignation / irascibility / irritation / outrage / vexation / wrath / ire / intolerance. (cf. fengu)

.o'o nai lo xanto cu fanta lo nu mi pagre

Damn, the elephants are blocking my way!

.o'u (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express relaxation / leisure / repose / peacefulness / serenity / calmness / placidity / tranquility / quietude (cf. surla)

.o'u ti zabna se lifri

Ah, this is the life!

.o'u cu'i (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express composure / aplomb / balance / equanimity / imperturbability / nonchalance / sobriety / stability / phlegm. (cf. cnilanxe)

.o'u cu'i mi pu tinbe lo selfla

I followed the law.

.o'u nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express stress / anxiety / anguish / chagrin / distress / tension / worry. (cf. dunku)

.o'u nai le mi bersa cu zvati ma

Where is my son?

.oi (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express displeasure / discomfort / pain / discontentment / frustration / complaint / protestation. (cf. pante)

.oi mi cortu le kanla

Ouch! My eyes hurt.

.oi nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express pleasure / comfort / contentment / delectation / delight / gratification / relish / enjoyment (cf. selpu'a, kufra)

.oi nai glare cakla

''Mmm, hot chocolate!"

.u'a (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express gain / triumph / success (cf. jinga, selne'u, prali)

.u'a la'e di'u je'urja'o lo du'u mi pu drani

Hah, that proves I was right!

.u'a nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express loss / desolation / melancholy / disconsolation / lamentation / mourning (cf. cirko)

.u'a nai la rover pu xamgu gerku

Snif, Rover was a good dog.

.u'e (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express wonder / admiration / amazement / awe / marvel / astoundment (cf. selmanci)

.u'e ze prenu cu zvati

Wow, there are seven people here!

.u'e le va gerku cu mutce stati

Wow, that dog is really talented!

.u'e nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express that something is commonplace / humdrum / unexceptional / prosaic (cf. tolselmanci, fadni)

.u'e nai xu ta xagrai lo se kakne be do

Pshaw, is that the best you can do?

.u'i (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express amusement / hilarity / merriment / mirth / laughter (cf. selzdi, selxajmi, xalbo)

.u'i ta cusku zo ganxo

Heh, heh, he said "arsehole".

.u'i nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express weariness / boredom / tediousness / tedium / ennui (cf. tolselzdi)

.u'i nai banzu ca le cabdei

Yawn, that's enough for today.

.u'o (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express courage / boldness / bravery / valor / daring (cf. virnu)

.u'o mi do pu'o nurgau

I'm coming to your rescue!

.u'o cu'i (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express timidity / shyness / unassertiveness / inhibition / timorousness (cf. jikterpa)

.u'o cu'i xu mi zifre lo nu stali

Erm, may I stay here?

.u'o nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express cowardice (cf. tolvri)

.u'o nai mi na nerkla ta

Oh no, I'm not going in there.

.u'u (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express repentance / regret / contrition / remorse / guiltiness (cf. xenru, zugycni)

.u'u mi pu na jundi

Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.

.u'u cu'i (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express innocence / blamelessness / clear conscience / righteousness / naïveté (cf. nalselra'u)

.u'u cu'i mi zukte no da

I didn't do anything!

.u'u nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express lack of regret / remorselessness / defiance / spite / provocation / unrepentance (cf. talsa)

.u'u nai mi pu zi stapa le do jamfu i do ba zukte ma

Yeah, I just stepped on your foot. What are you going to do about it?

ua (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express discovery / realization / recognizance / recollection / understanding (cf. facki)

ua ba'e ta do mensi

Ah, so *that*'s your sister.

ua nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express confusion / searching / disorientation / befuddlement / perplexity / puzzlement / bewilderment (cf. cfipu, sisku, ki'a)

ua nai la'e di'u vajni fi ma

Huh? How is that relevant?

ue (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express surprise / astonishment / unexpectedness / shock / stupefaction. (cf. selspaji)

ue ta lenku

Oo, that's cold!

ue cu'i (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express indifference / impassiveness / insensitivity / unresponsiveness / oblivion / not being really surprised (cf. norselspaji)

ue cu'i ma cnino

So what's new?

ue nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express expectation / expectedness / confirmation. (cf. tolselspaji)

ue nai ro da pu prane

Everything was perfect, just as I expected.

ui (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express happiness / joy / glee / bliss / delight / ecstasy / exultation / jubilation / cheerfulness (cf. gleki)

ui mi pu klama le zarci

Yay, I went to the store!

ui nai (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express unhappiness / sadness / sorrow / depression / gloominess / woe / heartache / anguish (cf. badri)

ui nai ti pu melbi jarbu

Sigh, this used to be a nice neighbourhood.

uo (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express completion / achievement / consummation / fulfillment / accomplishment / termination / culmination (cf. snada, mulno, mansa, fanmo)

uo di'u clani jufra

Pfew, that was a long sentence!

uo nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express incompleteness / deficiency / lack / insufficiency (cf. fliba)

uo nai do tu na ru'e darxi

Oh, you almost hit it.

uu (UI1)
Attitudinal. Used to express pity / kindness / mercy / gentleness / compassion / sensitiveness (cf. kecti)

uu mi ba dunda lo boxfo do

Oh you poor thing! I'll get you a blanket.

uu nai (UI*1)
Attitudinal. Used to express cruelty / callousness / hardheartedness / insensibility / insensitiveness / mercilessness / ruthlessness / unkindness / malice / evilness / wickedness (cf. kusru)

uu nai mi ba ponse lo do pruxi

Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha! Your soul will be mine!

ja'ai cu'i nai
.a'a jundi nalju'i rivbi
.a'e cikna tatpi
.a'i troci selfrili cando
.a'u selci'i nalselci'i selrigni
.i'a selmansa tolselmansa
.i'e zanru nutli tolzau
.i'i gumna selsivni
.i'o ckire jilra
.i'u selsau termipri
.ii terpa snura
.io sinma tolsi'a
.iu prami xebni
.o'a jgira cumla ckeji
.o'e cnijbi cnida'o
.o'i seljde darsi
.o'o xendo racli fengu
.o'u surla cnilanxe dunku
.oi pante selpu'a
.u'a jinga cirko
.u'e selmanci tolselmanci
.u'i selzdi tolselzdi
.u'o virnu jikterpa tolvri
.u'u xenru nalselra'u talsa
.ua facki selfi'u
.ue selspaji norselspaji tolselspaji
.ui gleki badri
.uo snada fliba
.uu kecti kusru


  • iu cu'i was removed from the list because the keyword "no love lost" was too confusing, its meaning is fairly obvious anyway, and no usage was found.

  • .u'u cu'i and .u'u nai were interchanged.


BPFK Poll: Realis Attitudinals
BPFK Poll: Realis Attitudinals
  • I agree with the current contens of Realis Attitudinals.
  • I disagree with the current contents of Realis Attitudinals.
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(Votes: 9)


Information Version
Sat 23 of Aug, 2014 18:15 GMT Ilmen from Adding {} to word links; adding Keyword fields. 51
Sat 23 of Aug, 2014 16:38 GMT Ilmen from Adding a box around the associated predicates section. 50
Tue 10 of Jun, 2014 03:30 GMT mukti from 49
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 23:06 GMT mukti from Reformatted 48
Wed 29 of Dec, 2010 07:31 GMT lindarthebard from 47
Wed 29 of Dec, 2010 06:52 GMT lindarthebard from 46
Thu 02 of Dec, 2010 02:59 GMT lindarthebard from 45
Sun 04 of Nov, 2007 21:53 GMT xorxes from 44
Sat 13 of Aug, 2005 18:02 GMT xorxes from 43
Fri 29 of Jul, 2005 19:44 GMT xorxes from 42
Fri 29 of Jul, 2005 19:34 GMT xorxes from 41
Tue 05 of Jul, 2005 19:11 GMT rlpowell from 40
Sat 02 of Jul, 2005 00:31 GMT xorxes from 39
Fri 01 of Jul, 2005 23:40 GMT xorxes from 38
Fri 01 of Jul, 2005 23:16 GMT xorxes from 37
Fri 01 of Jul, 2005 22:20 GMT xorxes from 36
Fri 01 of Jul, 2005 21:14 GMT xorxes from 35
Fri 01 of Jul, 2005 20:59 GMT xorxes from 34
Fri 01 of Jul, 2005 19:06 GMT xorxes from 33
Fri 01 of Jul, 2005 16:03 GMT xorxes from 32
Fri 01 of Jul, 2005 15:04 GMT xorxes from 31
Thu 30 of Jun, 2005 20:50 GMT xorxes from 30
Thu 30 of Jun, 2005 18:48 GMT xorxes from 29
Thu 30 of Jun, 2005 16:29 GMT xorxes from 28
Thu 30 of Jun, 2005 15:05 GMT xorxes from 27
Thu 30 of Jun, 2005 13:57 GMT xorxes from 26
Wed 29 of Jun, 2005 23:23 GMT xorxes from 25
Wed 29 of Jun, 2005 19:48 GMT xorxes from 24
Wed 29 of Jun, 2005 19:04 GMT xorxes from 23
Wed 29 of Jun, 2005 13:47 GMT xorxes from 22
Tue 28 of Jun, 2005 23:09 GMT xorxes from 21
Tue 28 of Jun, 2005 19:57 GMT xorxes from 20
Tue 28 of Jun, 2005 18:52 GMT xorxes from 19
Tue 28 of Jun, 2005 15:09 GMT xorxes from 18
Sat 25 of Jun, 2005 00:19 GMT rlpowell from 17
Fri 24 of Jun, 2005 23:25 GMT rlpowell from 16
Fri 24 of Jun, 2005 22:10 GMT xorxes from 15
Wed 22 of Jun, 2005 23:38 GMT xorxes from 14
Tue 21 of Jun, 2005 23:26 GMT xorxes from 13
Thu 16 of Jun, 2005 23:35 GMT rlpowell from 12
Thu 16 of Jun, 2005 23:16 GMT rlpowell from Didn't move the examples around; I can if you want, though. 11
Thu 17 of Mar, 2005 00:01 GMT xorxes from 10
Tue 15 of Mar, 2005 23:17 GMT xorxes from 9
Tue 15 of Mar, 2005 19:45 GMT xorxes from 8
Tue 15 of Mar, 2005 19:24 GMT xorxes from 7
Mon 14 of Mar, 2005 19:34 GMT xorxes from 6
Mon 07 of Mar, 2005 19:52 GMT xorxes from 5
Mon 07 of Mar, 2005 15:13 GMT xorxes from 4
Sun 06 of Mar, 2005 23:34 GMT xorxes from 3
Sun 06 of Mar, 2005 22:09 GMT xorxes from 2