malglico examples

  • left (zunle), meaning liberal.
  • right (pritu), meaning conservative.
    • you should say poi zvati le zunle mlana and poi zvati le pritu mlana
      • well yes, but the point is using zunle or pritu anywhere to mean liberal or conservative is malglico.
    • It's not malglico. It's a standard metaphor or conceptual schema in Europe and maybe beyond. Yes, it's culturally biased, but it's not linguistically biased, which is what we usually mean by malglico. And
      • Well it's in the English dictionary. It may be maldotco as well, but we're pretty glico-centric in our whining, so i call it malglico.
        • It's originally from French, so I would call it malfraso.
      • How eurocentric - it's not linguistically biased because we have it everywhere in Europe, so it must be in all the world's languages. Since everyone in North America and Europe uses these terms, 'of course' the other 4.869 billion people in the world understand it also! And on a page about avoiding cultural/linguistic myopia, too! - mi'e. kreig.daniyl.
      • Even if it's in use world-wide, it's still a different meaning that the definition of zunle and pritu, and so should be avoided. Lojban gismu only have one meaning.
    • I'd have to look it up (somewhere), but something in me is remembering that the Cherokee words for "Democrat" and "Republican" (the ostensibly left and right political parties in America, which is where the Cherokee live) are the same as "north" and "south" and/or "cold" and "warm" (not necessarily respectively). --mi'e mark
    • I think these should not be Zipf'd beyond zunle pe'a jinvi and pritu pe'a jinvi. For a more elaborate analysis, see here.
      • pevzunle and pevypritu should be acceptible.
  • 15 minutes of fame (misno ca'o vai mentu), meaning fleeting fame.
    • It should be misno ze'i lo mentu be li vai. The short interval duration is indicated with ze'i, ca'o does not say that the ongoing fame is restricted to the 15 minutes, does it? Also, it's lo mentu be li vai because we are talking of one 15-minute interval, not about fifteen one-minute intervals.
    • horribly malglico in that it elevates a particular number to mean something besides the number.
    • I can't agree. Is it really malglico to suppose that fifteen minutes is a short (indeed, ridiculous) period during which one can be famous? You might as well say that "beating a dead horse" is malglico for "acting futilely": beating a dead horse is acting futilely.
      • Yet there are other Lojban terms for the same thing such as 'grinding smoke'; see hunting unicorns.
        • The fact that there "exists" a Lojban expression for "beating a dead horse" certainly does not make the Horse expression any more malglico!
          • No, it doesn't. It just makes it fuzzy and thus a less good example.
      • I'd very much say "beating a dead horse" is malglico for "acting futilely". Of course you could say it with pe'a, but the refgram specifically notes that "pe'anai" is the default of lojban (just like decimal is the default).
      • You can only say "15 minutes of fame" if it's literally 15 minutes.
  • at the last minute (ca'o pa mentu poi purci lamji le fanmo), meaning done right before a deadline. malglico in that usually it does not imply sixty seconds.
    • Also wordier than the Lojbanically-obvious pu'ozi.
      • pu'o zi is grammatical, but it parses as pu'oku zi, so writing it together is misleading. In any case, pu'o means that the event is about to happen, not that it happens at the last minute. It may be about to happen and still plenty on time. --xorxes
  • politically correct (jecta drani), meaning done so as not to offend people. malglico in that politics has no correctness.
    • But jecta drani is a political-type-of correctness, not correct politics. Isn't that valid?
      • It sure is valid. Sorry, these examples of malglico are pretty weak.
        • Ok, it's a borderline case. But I think the others are pretty clear cut.
    • drani jecta would be a correct sort of politics, which is what politically correct means. It's not malglico; it's an ironic description of, formerly, maoist and, latterly, liberal ideology. And
    • More here.
  • come (klama), meaning orgasm. sadly, this renders the song "come baby come" bereft of its double meaning.
  • can you... (xu do ka'e co'e), meaning a command. this is one malglico that i try to avoid while talking glibau.
    • This is translated well by .e'o or .e'u
  • viska for see in the sense of glork - in IE languages seeing and knowing are often linked etymologically, but not in all other families. I made this exact mistake 5 minutes ago while talking to myself (which I do in a mix of English, Spanish, and Lojban), so despite some people's complaints these are not just arbitrarily made up, at least not this one.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday 30 of November, 2001 12:31:04 GMT by admin.